
Video Identification

IDnow Video Identification

2014 - 2018

Das Münchner Startup IDnow hat sich auf eine digitale Lösung des Postident Verfahrens spezialisiert. Diese vereinfacht den umfangreichen und komplizierten Prozess. Das Online-Ident-Verfahren gilt als sicherer und offiziell anerkannter Standard zum Nachweis der eigenen Identität. Die IDnow-App ist eine benutzerfreundliche Applikation. Gemeinsam mit dem eigens entwickelten SDK ist die Legitimations- und Identitätsprüfung ortsunabhängig, schneller und effektiver zu handhaben.

It's all about the Details

Development of a clear, customer-specific visual language to emphasise the innovative character of the company.


Our task in this project was to implement the online ident procedure in a user-friendly and platform independent way - for smartphones, tablets and desktops. Considering the system’s processing of sensitive data, it was a key requirement to ensure maximum data security.

How we made it awesome

We implemented the user interface with an uncomplicated navigation concept. At the same time, we speeded up the identification process. We developed the core functionality as a software development kit. In order to offer future customers a high degree of integrability. Thus, customers can easily integrate the digital identity verification process into their existing systems, allowing for direct use. To guarantee the highest possible security, a combination of numerous platform-dependent and cross-platform components was applied. For example, "code obfuscation", the prevention of caching or reading of input and the encryption of all API requests.

anfema’s solution impresses with utmost usability. Your team understood exactly what we, the agents and the users needed, implemented it purposefully, and thereby made an essential contribution to our idea’s realisation and efficiency.

Sebastian Bärhold Managing Director & Co-Founder, IDnow GmbH

Technology we used

The apps and the software development kit were developed in native code for both Android and iOS. The video process itself is based on two technologies: The communication between the apps and the agents is implemented through WebSockets. The bidirectional audio and video transmission is facilitated by Icelink WebRTC.

Sounds interesting?

You want to know more about the project or our implementation? No matter if you are a customer or an applicant, contact us! Whether you are a customer or an applicant, please feel free to contact us! Drop by for a coffee either in Munich or Augsburg - we're looking forward to it!

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